Building A Home

Building a tiny home from the trailer up in 5 months while also having a baby. What a whirlwind this year has been. In July we picked up a trailer, and in November we moved into a (mostly) finished tiny home.

Palmer – the newest addition

Palmer, the town in Alaska that my wife Paisley spent most of her childhood years. Palmer, the closest town with a grocery store while we lived in the cabin in Alaska. And now, Palmer, the name of our newly arrived baby boy!

Alaska aurora borealis

Bucket Lists

I have never been one to maintain, much less write in the first place, a bucket list. Maybe the closest has been, instead, to do so in retrospect. Sort of what I am doing now, I guess. Sitting here, thinking back on recent experiences, and ticking them off a list that never existed until it was well past the time to mark them off. Fail safe way to not fail at achieving your bucket list! […]

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